First draft of the code to convert keyboard input to midi. There is a bug somewhere, the midi sounds continuously with new notes added but not switched off.
// Convert thirteen input wires from bass pedal into midi output
// Rob Ives 2012
// This code is realeased into the Public Domain.
#include <wire.h>
unsigned char data1; //data from chip 1
unsigned char data2; //data from chip 2
unsigned char keys[16]; //storage array for key states.
byte notevalue = 0; //lowest note on the bass board
void setup() // the setup loop
Wire.begin(); // setup the I2C bus
Serial.begin(9600); // serial set up for midi
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //clear the keys array
keys[i] = 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void loop() // the main loop
byte velocity; //note velocity
velocity = 90; //initially set at 90 - add volume control later
Wire.requestFrom(0x38, 1); // read the data from chip 1 into data1
if (Wire.available()){
data1 =;
Wire.requestFrom(0x39, 1); // read the data freom chip 2 into data2
if (Wire.available()){
data2 =;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) {// puts data bits from chip 1 into keys array if (keys[i] != ((data1 >> i) & 1)){ // edge detect. If the key state has changed.
if (keys[i] == 1){// if the key was on send an Start Note midi command
playnote(0x90, notevalue + i, velocity); // channel 1 midi on
else{ // send a end note midi command
playnote(128, notevalue + i, 0); // channel 1 midi off
keys[i] = ((data1 >> i) & 1); // set the key variable to the current state.
/* for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) {// puts data bits from chip 2 into keys array if (keys[i+8] != ((data2 >> i) & 1)){ // edge detect. If the key state has changed.
if (keys[i+8] == 1){// if the key was on send an start Note midi command
//Serial.println(" Midi On");
Serial.print(0x80); // channel 1 midi on
Serial.print(notevalue+i+8); //note value
Serial.println(velocity); // note velocity
else{ // send a end note midi command
//Serial.println(" Midi Off");
Serial.write(0x90); // channel 1 midi off
Serial.write(notevalue+i+8); //note value
Serial.write(velocity); // note velocity
keys[i + 8] = ((data2 >> i) & 1);
} */
/* for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Serial.println("-"); */
//play note
void playnote(byte cmd, byte data1, byte data2) {
//--------------- debug
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.print(" | ");